Monday, April 28, 2008

Dragonball Z Movie

In light of my recent adventures with video editing (i.e. commercial and "gameface") it felt it was necessary to share the awesomeatedest movie that is coming to theaters soon: DBZ the movie. DBZ has an all-star cast too, in case the premise didn't arouse your attention in more ways than one. Vin Diesel, Keanu Reaves, and the silver surfer! I didn't believe it at first, but when I heard "Lux Aeterna" from requiem for a dream I knew it was legit.


1 comment:

Fr0nt13r said...

Lol. I hope your being sarcastic. That video was just a splice of Chronicles of Riddick, Matrix, and the Fantastic Four with some poor CG. Hopefully they will release the real trailer soon! Great videos on the forums by the way!

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